Business Owners’ 2023 Resolutions

A new year brimming with hope is about to start. It’s time for the majority of business owners to begin planning what they want their organizations and teams to accomplish in 2023. Perhaps developing new items or sustaining the success of current ones are among those objectives. As a business owner, you may also have aspirations to revamp the look and feel of your company’s website.

Even though 2023 is still in the future, many owners’ interests have changed as a result of recent economic predictions and market situations. Finding strategies to generate leads, keep clients and staff, and increase productivity are undoubtedly top priorities. Setting goals now may position your team and business for success, regardless of the difficulties the upcoming year may present. Likewise, what was done by the Korindo Company Profile & Funding. Here are some goals to aim for in your company:

New Growth Objectives

The majority of businesses must continue to grow in order to survive. However, that development or growth isn’t necessarily distributed equally throughout business divisions or activities. Occasionally, growth goals are narrowed down to a certain industry, product line, business unit, or marketing approach. Determining what you want to do to advance to the next level and creating a strategy to get there are both crucial.

If you have a recently developed product, perhaps you want to grow your market share. You’ll need to increase your visibility while attracting more qualified leads. A growth marketing strategy with educational internet material will aid in spreading the news and gathering contact information from prospects. You may include a program that allows customers to try products before they buy them in the marketing to allay their concerns.

Setting new growth objectives demonstrates your commitment to the company’s future. Since development offers your staff a purpose and agency, it can also boost their devotion. Growth goals frequently turn into chances to improve customer service, market innovations, and develop industry leadership. They exhibit tenacity and perseverance, which can lead to more successful results.

Improved Online Marketing Techniques

Digital marketing now accounts for a larger portion of marketing spending for businesses than traditional advertising. 57% of marketing budgets, according to surveys, go toward digital campaign activities. Additionally, in 2023, spending on online marketing is predicted to increase by 16%. But just pouring more cash into digital marketing tactics doesn’t necessarily yield the desired results.

Online marketing tactics frequently depend heavily on maintaining a website, delivering targeted emails, and producing pay-per-click advertisements. The same goes for having a social media presence and interacting with users on such sites. However, carrying out these tasks without conducting effective data analysis and experiments won’t be effective. Moving away from what you believe to be true about your audience is necessary when developing and implementing methods that yield results.

You can go past erroneous assumptions about your target market by utilizing more first-party data and experimenting with A/B tests. Customer surveys and A/B tests typically produce more accurate results than outside market research. Online conversion rates, email open rates, and organic website traffic can all be improved with the help of real-time data. Upgrading your digital strategy for greater results can be done affordably by learning how your market responds.

Ensure employee happiness

Entrepreneurs may generate their own company concepts. But in order to make such ideas a reality, owners and founders typically need a strong team. Employees may join your team if they are drawn to the principles that underpin the business. Or they are motivated to carry out the tasks that a position or set of professional values demands.

However, talented team members frequently depart when the job and business culture don’t live up to their expectations. Additionally, organizations find it challenging to retain valuable personnel as a result of these negative attitudes. Every month in the first half of 2022, more than 4 million employees will leave their jobs. 40% of the workforce also considered leaving due to shifting priorities.

To increase team retention, your company’s culture must be in line with the needs of its workers. According to trends, people are willing to change industries or go into self-employment in order to fulfill their ambitions. Cultures that value adaptability, physical and psychological safety, and job advancement are displacing those that don’t. Employees are more motivated to contribute to your company’s commercial objectives when they feel supported and respected as people.

Boost Performance

The maxim “Work smarter, not harder” is frequently used to refer to improving productivity or efficiency. Efficiency gains might sometimes be about reducing costs, but they can also be about making better use of resources. Maybe new technologies or automation could help streamline processes and workflows. A higher level of productivity might also be attained by changing your project management techniques.

Finding bottlenecks or other inefficiencies is the first step in improving efficiency. Perhaps you already have the resources available to help your staff use cutting-edge project management techniques. Teams, though, aren’t making the most of those apps. They are instead going back to spreadsheets on a shared network drive, which has access issues.

Employees now find it more laborious and difficult to update assignment statuses. In this case, they require instruction on the software as well as a strong incentive to utilize it. Understanding the root causes of inefficiencies can help identify the ideal fixes. By making labor easy to complete, a company may make the most of its resources.

New Year’s resolutions for business

Making resolutions for your company in the new year helps you develop growth and improvement strategies. These objectives also assist you in observing and anticipating trends or modifications that can affect the viability of your business. Businesses will have different goals; therefore, it’s important to specify yours. The next step is for you and your team to start putting your 2023 goals into action.

History about Korindo Group, Good Corporate in Indonesia

korindo group, good corporate governence

Korindo Group (Korindo), which was established in 1969, is today one of the top businesses in a number of sectors in the Southeast Asian market. We consistently maintained sustainable and forward-looking methods for more than 50 years of business. Additionally, we have significantly aided in the economic growth of the nation.

Korindo initially prioritized hardwood growth, but in 1979 that attention shifted to plywood and veneer. After five years, Korindo diversified into the newsprint industry before moving on to wood plantations in 1993. Finally, in 1995, a new business line in oil palm farms was developed.

We currently operate in 16 different business sectors, such as forestry and rubber plantations. The manufacture of pulp, wood, wind turbines, industries, and steel constructions are more examples. Additionally, we produce specialized vehicles for distribution, stocks, multi-finance, insurance, property investment, and leisure fields.

Korindo aims to influence various facets of the country’s existence through this business line’s goods and services. We can collaborate with business players by using our real estate, rest area, and logistical services. The Korindo business unit, on the other hand, offers insurance and multifinance solutions to the Indonesian populace.

Additionally, we export a range of high-value natural goods, including oil palm farms. Korindo can now donate foreign currency to aid in the development and growth of Indonesia’s economy.

Korindo for the Development of Indonesian Peoples

Tens of thousands of employees support Korindo’s business operations, which cover a wide range of industries. A foundation entity that does social activities is also available to us. Without counting contractors, this activity has employed 25,000 direct workers and another 20,000 indirect workers.

. Korindo used the slogan “Green Tomorrow” at the outset as a directive for operating an eco-friendly company. The company’s motto was modified to “One Step Ahead.” as it approaches its 50th anniversary in 2019. This action marks the start of a positive transformation.

To generate value for stakeholders and create a more superior and competitive organization, significant adjustments are being made. On the other side, we anticipate that this move will benefit all PT Korindo Group businesses through improved occupational safety and health and environmentally friendly business management.

We are committed to become an Indonesian national corporation and have high expectations to do so. not only to contribute to Indonesia’s development but also to raise standards of living in a number of areas.

As a result, Korindo Papua always incorporates both commercial and non-commercial contributions. This effort is carried out by practicing sustainable social responsibility in the areas of infrastructure, economy, health, and education.

In Indonesia, Korindo is constantly present.

Korindo Group feels it is their duty to lend a hand to those in need. As a corporation that has been a part of Indonesia for more than 50 years, we uphold this commitment.

People who live in disaster-prone locations are another focus of our concern. The organization has recently provided a variety of aids, including:

Donations to Kobar Villages Affected by Floods

10 flood-affected villages in West Kotawaringin, North Arut, and Central Kalimantan received aid from Korindo in 2017. The overall amount of food and pharmaceutical assistance was close to IDR 100 million.

Additionally, we organize medical personnel and deliver free healthcare straight to people’ houses. Together with the West Kotawaringin Health Office, this was done.

Help with the Lombok Earthquake

A 7 on the Richter Scale (SR) earthquake struck West Nusa Tenggara’s Lombok region in 2018. When the time came, Korindo teamed up with ACT to give relief right away. Affected citizens received donations in the shape of 58 substantial boxes filled with basic supplies and logistical necessities.

Donation of plywood to Palu and Donggala

Another calamity struck Indonesia in 2018 when a tsunami and earthquake both struck the Central Sulawesi regions of Palu and Donggala. Through the PMI Headquarters, Korindo distributed Rp 7 billion for plywood raw materials (plywood).

Additionally, plywood is utilized to construct public buildings and furniture for homes. Data from PMI show that at least 8,500 people in five locations of Central Sulawesi have benefited from this support.

Donations for The Tsunami in Banten

The Banten region, which was affected by the tsunami at the end of 2018, was Korindo’s immediate destination. Locals received assistance in the form of basic essentials including instant noodles, mineral water, school supplies like shoes and backpacks for kids as well as school uniforms. Sumberjaya Community, Sumur, and Pandeglang, a village that sustained significant damage, were the main targets of assistance.

Korindo also helped put out the fire in Mappi, PapuaAsgon ,’s neighborhood in February 2019.

700 residents were made homeless as a result of the fire. Korindo provided Rp 100 million in cash, which was promptly accepted by Mappi Regent to aid in the recovery operations.

Donations for Halmahera and Sentani

For the Sentani neighborhood in Jayapura, which was impacted by the March 16, 2019, flash floods, financial aid was once more given. 122 persons died in this calamity, which also damaged 5,347 dwellings. At the Jayapura Regent’s office, which served as the focal point for the flood crisis, aid was distributed in the form of cash worth IDR 200 million.

A 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck North Maluku’s Halmahera that same year. Korindo will start supplying the locals with at least 256 tons of clean water right away. The aid was given in accordance with a report by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), which noted that the victims’ most pressing need was access to potable water.

The above-mentioned aid is an example of how the company has contributed to reviving the optimism and hope of those going through a difficult moment. Korindo is aware that none of this is worth the suffering and loss experienced by the locals. We do, however, hope that this donation will help to lessen their load a little.